In the semiconductor industry, where even the slightest microscopic imperfection can compromise an entire production, defect detection & metrology are not just desired but essential. This case study showcases how advanced optical inspection technologies from Unity Semiconductor have revolutionized quality control processes at Advanced Semiconductor Fab (ASF)*, leading to significant improvements in yield and product reliability.



Company: Advanced Semiconductor Fab (ASF)

Challenge:  Overcoming Low Yields and high CoO of relying entirely on CSAM (Scanning Acoustic Microscopy) for in-line process control.



ASF struggled with high costs, and slow / fluctuating yield ramp issues, due to buried void defects that went undetected during standard inspections, or were caught only at very low speeds (& high costs). These issues threatened the company’s competitiveness in a fast-paced and demanding market.


Advanced Metrology Solutions

To address these challenges, ASF implemented a series of advanced optical metrology solutions, capable of:

Tiny-Delta-Z-resolution topographic Inspection: Use of Unity’s PSD system enabled ASF to catch buried voids in HBM stacks & Die2Wafer delamination, without the need for immersion in water baths, and at far higher Throughputs than CSAM physics can allow.



  • Enhanced Product Quality: Dramatically Increased sampling was enabled due to the higher throughput of this non-contact optical approach (to complement CSAM), leading to far higher capture rates of Yield issues (& fixes).
  • Cost Optimization: Reduced rework and scrap resulted in substantial savings on material and labor costs.
  • Revenue boost: Higher Yield ramp allowed ASF to capture more of the highlight competitive HBM business (critical for the creation of AI chips).


UnitySC Solutions: At UnitySC, we offer advanced Inspection & Metrology technologies that enable improvements similar to those achieved at ASF. To learn more about our solutions, contact us today.

Please note that ‘Advanced Semiconductor Fab (ASF)’ is a hypothetical company created for the purpose of this case study and does not represent any real entity.