Privacy policy

UNITY SEMICONDUCTOR, a simplified joint-stock company (SAS) registered with the GRENOBLE Trade and Companies Register under number 477 711 972, whose registered office is located at 611 Rue Aristide Bergès, Z.A. de Pré Millet, in MONTBONNOT-SAINT-MARTIN (38330) (hereinafter “UNITY SEMICONDUCTOR”), is deeply committed to the protection of your personal data and adheres to the applicable regulations, especially the principles of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) No. 2016-679 of April 27, 2016, which came into effect on May 25, 2018. This privacy policy aims to provide you with all the information on how your personal data is collected and processed by UNITY SEMICONDUCTOR as the data controller, through the website accessible at: (hereinafter the “Site”).

Are you looking for information on other specific processing activities we perform? We invite you to consult our Cookie Policy, as well as the Privacy Policy dedicated to recruitment.

1. Definitions from the GDPR
  • Recipient : Any natural or legal person, public authority, agency, or other body to which the personal data is disclosed, whether a third party or not.
  • Personal Data : Any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (also referred to as “data subject”). An identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, particularly by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier, or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural, or social identity of that natural person.
  • Regulation : All current regulations applicable to the Processing of Personal Data, especially the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) effective May 25, 2018, which introduces new concepts compared to the “Data Protection Act” of January 6, 1978, in its latest version and modifies the obligations of actors involved in the Processing of Personal Data.
  • Data Controller : The natural or legal person, public authority, agency, or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing.
  • Site : The current website published and operated by UNITY SEMICONDUCTOR accessible via the following URL link:
  • Processor : A natural or legal person, public authority, agency, or other body which processes personal data on behalf of the controller.
  • Processing : Any operation or set of operations which is performed on personal data or on sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure, or destruction.
2. What personal data do we collect, and how do we collect it?

Through its Site (or by email), UNITY SEMICONDUCTOR may collect and process the following personal data :

  • Personal data you provide directly : The personal data collected are those you provide directly via the collection forms on the Site (contact requests, technical and maintenance assistance requests) or by email sent directly to our email address. Reminder: Data processing carried out in the context of recruitment activities is detailed in our Privacy Policy dedicated to recruitment, which UNITY SEMICONDUCTOR invites you to consult.
  • Personal data we collect during our business relationship : This includes, as a client, information related to your business relationship history with UNITY SEMICONDUCTOR (quotes, orders, billing, and payment), requests made, or incidents reported to our customer service.
  • Personal data you provide and/or we collect during commercial prospecting operations : Email address.
  • Personal data we collect automatically : During your visit to the Site, certain navigational data (including personal data) is automatically recorded either through cookies, directly by UNITY SEMICONDUCTOR’s computer system, or indirectly by the IT service provider managing the Site. Part of this data is collected to ensure the proper provision of the Site, its improvement, and the maintenance of a secure environment. Other data may be used to analyze your user behavior and traffic and/or to enhance the interactivity of our Site.
3. Why do we process your personal data ?

We use your personal data to perform Processing for which the purposes and legal bases are outlined in the table below. These personal data are collected in one of the cases provided by the Regulation, including :

  • Execution of a contract we have entered into with you,
  • Compliance with a legal obligation,
  • Your consent to the use of your personal data,
  • Our legitimate interest in using your personal data, provided that the legitimate interest is a set of commercial and/or security reasons that justify the use ofyour personal data by UNITY SEMICONDUCTOR.
Treatment NamePurposesLegal BasisPersonal Data Involved
Management of requests from prospects or inquiriesRespond to requests made via the contact form or more generally via an email address found on the site. Consider and process quote requests. Determine the cost and production time of machines. Transmit the quote to the prospect.Legitimate interest. Execution of pre-contractual measures.Prospect or requester data: – first name, last name; – position; – company; – email address; – phone.
Order / Sales Contract ManagementConsider and execute the order. Invoice. Provide the customer with the ordered products and/or services.Execution of the sales contract. Legal or regulatory obligation.Client data – title (Mr./Mrs.); first name, last name; position; company; address; ZIP/city; country; email address; phone.
PaymentExecute the payment of your order. Manage rejected bank transactions.Execution of the sales contract.Client bank data (collected and processed by the bank in case of transfer).
Customer Relationship Follow-upComplaint management. Client relationship management following an order. Management of refunds. Satisfaction surveys.Execution of the sales contract. Legitimate interest.Client data (see data listed above). Client bank data (collected and processed by the bank).
Accounting RecordsAccounting and tax obligations.Legal obligation to retain data.Client data
Commercial offers from UNITY SEMICONDUCTOR via electronic meansSend commercial offers.Legitimate interest or consent if applicable.Prospect/client email address.
Commercial offers from business partnersSend commercial offers from UNITY SEMICONDUCTOR partners.Consent.Prospect/client email address.
Management of your rightsRespond to requests from individuals concerned by a processing of their personal data.Legal obligation.– first name, last name; – email address.
Site Optimization and AvailabilityOptimal and flawless provision of the Site. Ensure the proper functioning of the Site.Consent or legitimate interest (to provide users with an optimized and smooth site).Cookies & trackers.
Social NetworksImprove the interactivity of the Site and help promote UNITY SEMICONDUCTOR via sharing.Consent.Cookies & trackers.
Video SharingEnrich the site with multimedia content and increase its visibility.Consent.Cookies & trackers.

For more information about cookies, please refer to our Cookie Policy.

4. Who are the recipients of your personal data ?

UNITY SEMICONDUCTOR only shares your personal data with authorized and specified recipients, in accordance with applicable regulations. Strictly for the purposes outlined above, your personal data are first processed by the internal services of UNITY SEMICONDUCTOR as part of their usual duties. They may also be communicated to other entities of the Unity SC Group or other offices if necessary for the execution of one of the aforementioned purposes (e.g., for technical assistance).

The lists of entities and offices of the Unity SC Group are detailed below :

Unity Semiconductor SAS, 611 rue Aristide Bergès, 383330 Montbonnot Saint Martin, France (Co. Register number 477711972),

Unity-SC, a company incorporated and existing under the laws in France, 611 rue Aristide Bergès, 383330 Montbonnot Saint Martin, France (Co. Register number 411749997),

Unity Semiconductor GmbH, Königsbrücker Straße 67, 01099 Dresden, Germany,

Unity Semiconductor Ltd., 4F. No.8 Taiyuan 1st St. ZHUBEI City Hsinchu County 302, Taiwan,

UNITY SEMICONDUCTOR PTE., LTD., 1, Tampines North Drive 1, #08-14, T-Space, Singapore 528559

Unity Semiconductor China Co., Ltd, Suite 308-5, No 998 South Shenbin Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, China,

Unity Semiconductor Inc., c/o ROWAT, 17 Riverview Dr, Ashland   MA 01721 – USA

They are also communicated to some of our subcontractors and service providers (website manager, hosting provider, transportation provider) who are held to the same security and confidentiality obligations as UNITY SEMICONDUCTOR. We require all these third parties to apply at least the basic security rules defined by the CNIL, covering administrative, technical, and organizational aspects to protect your personal data against any illicit disclosure, use, alteration, and destruction.

To this end, we have rigorously selected our subcontractors based on the security of the hosting they provide (at the most stringent standards), strengthened the infrastructures used, and toughened the contracts concluded with them. In this regard, we have signed strict security clauses with our subcontractors, compliant with regulations.

Your personal data may thus be transmitted to the following providers and/or subcontractors:

  • Technical subcontractors:
  • The company Netsample that manages the hosting of our site;
  • The transporter(s) of UNITY SEMICONDUCTOR.

Your personal data may also be shared with third-party companies under the conditions detailed in the section “Use of social networks through ‘share’ buttons” below.

The personal data you may communicate to us may also be disclosed in response to a judicial or administrative procedure of any kind or to law enforcement measures requested by competent authorities.

UNITY SEMICONDUCTOR commits not to transmit your personal data to third parties unless: i. you have given your prior consent to share your personal data with third parties,

ii. sharing your personal data with the said third party is necessary for the provision of the requested services,

iii. a competent judicial or administrative authority requires UNITY SEMICONDUCTOR to disclose the said personal data as mentioned above.”

5. How long are your personal data retained ?

Your personal data are retained for the duration necessary to achieve the purposes described above and in compliance with applicable legislation.

Category of Personal DataProcessing NameDuration of Active Storage
Client DataOrder / Sales Contract ManagementDuration of the contractual relationship
Customer Relationship Follow-upDuration of the contractual relationship
Accounting RecordsAs intermediate archive: legal retention period (10 years)
Customer SatisfactionDuration necessary to achieve the survey’s objective or until the right to object is exercised
UNITY SEMICONDUCTOR Commercial Offers via Electronic MeansFor a duration of 3 years from the end of the commercial relationship
Commercial Offers from Business PartnersUntil withdrawal of consent and no later than 3 years from the last order
Payment DataPaymentUntil the complete payment of the transaction
Customer ServiceUntil the expiration of the period for which we commit to refunding an order
Prospect DataManagement of prospect requests (quote requests)For the time it takes to process your request
UNITY SEMICONDUCTOR Commercial Offers via Electronic Means

Commercial Offers from Business Partners

For a period of 3 years from their collection or the last contact
Data of All UsersManagement of Your RightsThe data are retained until UNITY SEMICONDUCTOR responds to the request. The response provided may be kept for proof within the limits of the applicable statute of limitations, starting from the moment UNITY SEMICONDUCTOR responds to the request.

In cases where identity verification documents are collected, these data are generally deleted as soon as your request has been granted. UNITY SEMICONDUCTOR may need to keep these documents for proof purposes in certain exceptional cases where UNITY SEMICONDUCTOR identifies a high risk of litigation, based on a case-by-case and duly documented analysis. In this scenario, the duration of retention of the proofs is determined in accordance with the statute of limitations for public action provided in the Code of Criminal Procedure.

Cookies & Trackers
  • Site Operation and Availability
  • Video Sharing
  • Social Networks
  • Analysis of Your Behavior on the Site and Statistics
6 months from collection depending on the type of cookie/tracker


6. Transfer of your personal data outside the European Union

We strive to keep your personal data within the European Union. However, it is possible that your personal data may sometimes be transferred outside the European Union by our partners, subcontractors, and/or service providers or third-party platforms (such as “X” (formerly Twitter), LinkedIn, Google). Some recipients are located in countries that have been deemed by the European Commission to offer an adequate level of data protection, either fully or partially. These countries include:

  • The United States, recognized as partially adequate because only personal data transfers to “DPF” certified entities do not require framing by transfer tools.

In this case, the Microsoft and Google groups are on the list of entities for which no additional terms are required.

  • Japan, recognized as an adequate country whose transfers of personal data do not require framing by additional transfer tools.
  • South Korea, recognized as an adequate country whose transfers of personal data do not require framing by additional transfer tools.

For other countries that are not considered to provide an adequate level of protection, such as China, Singapore, Taiwan, Africa, UNITY SC makes all necessary efforts to implement adequate and sufficient safeguards to ensure the level of protection required by the Regulation (notably, on a case-by-case basis, by developing binding corporate rules, known as “BCR – Binding Corporate Rules”, or any other mechanism compliant with the Regulation).

7. Use of your personal data by third-party platforms

The Site may contain links to other sites. Similarly, other sites may reference or link to our Site. We do not control these other domains and websites. We encourage our users to read the privacy policies of each website and application with which they may interact. We do not endorse, verify, approve, or hold responsibility for the privacy practices or content of such websites or applications. If you visit the concerned websites or applications, you do so at your own risk and are subject to their privacy policy. You also have the option to visit the UNITY SEMICONDUCTOR Site using private browsing mode.

8. Use of social networks through ‘share’ buttons

To provide you with the most comprehensive services, we offer you the opportunity to easily share the pages you view on your favorite social networks. Our Site thus uses “plug-ins” or social modules on its various pages (third-party social network “share” buttons). When you visit a page of our Site containing such social modules, a connection is automatically established with the servers of the social networks, which may then be informed that you have accessed the corresponding page of our Site. If you wish to limit the information published or known by these social networks regarding your actions on the Site, we advise you to log out of your social networks before visiting our Site. The use of buttons that allow access to social networks can indeed lead to the collection and exchange of certain personal data between the social networks and the Site. To protect your privacy, however, we have limited the information that is automatically transmitted in this way. In this context:

  • UNITY SEMICONDUCTOR only collects information that you have logged into the concerned social network;
  • the concerned social network collects the information specified in its own personal data protection policy, which we invite you to consult and on which you can act at the level of the settings.

UNITY SEMICONDUCTOR is not responsible for the use of your personal data by these social networks for their own account.

Finally, we inform you that the information transmitted to the various social networks under the conditions we have mentioned may be transmitted and processed by these companies via their servers located in several countries around the world, including the United States, in accordance with their own privacy policies which you can find at the following links and which we invite you to read.

Other Google Services: This Site uses several features offered by Google. In this regard, some of your personal data, particularly your browsing data, may be transferred to this company whose servers may be located outside the European Union, particularly in the United States. The use of your personal data by Google is subject to the terms of use established by it. We advise you to read them carefully in order to fully exercise your rights regarding Google. The concerned services include Google Analytics. Google Analytics uses cookies to analyze your use of the Site based on your consent. You can prevent the recording of cookies by refusing this cookie. Moreover, by downloading and installing the Browser Plugin available at the following link:, you can prevent:

  • the capture by Google of personal data generated by Google Analytics cookies related to your use of the Site (including your IP address),
  • the processing of these data by Google. By doing so, an opt-out cookie will be installed and will prevent the capture of your personal data during future visits to the Site. You can find more information regarding the use of personal data of users by Google Analytics in Google’s data protection privacy statement:
9. Security

We constantly do everything possible to protect your personal data. From the receipt of your personal data and throughout their lifecycle, we apply strict security procedures and measures to ensure their availability, integrity, and to prevent any unauthorized access.

We strive to ensure that your personal data is kept up-to-date and collected in accordance with the purpose of each Processing. As the Data Controller, we implement appropriate technical and organizational measures, in compliance with applicable legal provisions, to protect your personal data against alteration, accidental or unlawful loss, use, disclosure, or unauthorized access, specifically:

  • Raising awareness of confidentiality requirements among our employees who have access to your personal data;
  • Securing access to our premises as well as physical and logical access to our computer systems and platforms;

As a global group, UNITY SC continues to believe that significant commercial efficiency gains can be achieved by consolidating information in databases and centralized systems located on third-party servers in facilities in France and on servers owned by UNITY SC in UNITY SC facilities worldwide. All servers used by UNITY SC are physically secured.

All paper documents containing personal data are physically protected and shredded at the time of disposal.

  • Securing access, sharing, and the transfer of personal data; data are encrypted whenever necessary and saved in an encrypted format.
  • A high level of requirement for the protection of personal data when selecting our subcontractors and partners.
  • Implementing network security measures to monitor and protect data against cyberattacks and data breaches.

SSL or TLS Encryption: For security reasons and to protect the transmission of confidential content, such as the requests you send us, this Site uses SSL or TLS encryption. An encrypted connection is identifiable by the fact that the browser’s address line changes from “http://” to “https://” and by the padlock symbol on this line. When SSL or TLS encryption is activated, the personal data you transmit to us cannot be accessed by third parties.

10. What are your rights ?

We will endeavor to enable you to exercise your rights over your personal data:

  • You can access the personal data that UNITY SEMICONDUCTOR collects and processes about you and obtain a copy;
  • You can request that your personal data be rectified, updated, or corrected;
  • You can request the erasure of your personal data as soon as possible when one of the following reasons applies: a) The personal data are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed; b) You withdraw your consent on which the processing is based and there is no other legal ground for the processing. The withdrawal of consent applies to the future; c) You exercise your right to object and there is no compelling legitimate reason for the processing; d) The personal data have been unlawfully processed; e) The personal data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation.

The right to erasure may not apply if processing is necessary:

  • to comply with a legal obligation,
  • for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims.
  • You can request the restriction of processing of your personal data when one of the following applies: a) Verification of your personal data is required after you dispute the accuracy of your personal data; b) The processing is unlawful and you oppose the erasure of your personal data and request the restriction of their use instead; c) UNITY SEMICONDUCTOR no longer needs the personal data for the purposes of the processing but the data are required by you for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims; d) You have objected to processing and UNITY SEMICONDUCTOR is verifying whether the legitimate grounds it relies on override your reasons.
  • You can object at any time, for reasons related to your particular situation, to the processing of your personal data based on a legitimate ground;
  • You can withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data at any time, under the same conditions as those in which you provided it, provided that the processing is based on consent (especially concerning the processing of cookies);
  • You have the right to data portability which allows you to receive the personal data you have provided to UNITY SEMICONDUCTOR in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format when cumulatively:
    • the processing is based on consent or on a contract;
    • the processing is carried out by automated means.

In the context of exercising this right, you have the right to have your personal data transmitted directly by UNITY SEMICONDUCTOR to another data controller when technically feasible.

The right to data portability must not adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others.

  • In accordance with French law, UNITY SEMICONDUCTOR gives you the option to determine in advance the fate of your personal data after your death. Any rectification or erasure of your personal data or any limitation of processing carried out at your request will be communicated by UNITY SEMICONDUCTOR to each recipient to whom your personal data may have been transmitted in accordance with these provisions, unless such communication proves impossible or involves disproportionate effort. If the personal data concerning you are incorrect or out of date, you can inform UNITY SEMICONDUCTOR so that the necessary corrections and/or updates can be made.
11. How to exercise your rights ?

To exercise your rights, please contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO):

  • electronically, at the address;
  • by postal mail, addressed to UNITY SEMICONDUCTOR – 611 Rue Aristide Bergès – Z.A. de Pré Millet – 38330 MONTBONNOT-SAINT-MARTIN – FRANCE. If UNITY SEMICONDUCTOR has reasonable doubts concerning the identity of the individual making the request, it may ask for additional information necessary to confirm their identity (e.g., a copy of an identification document). To assist you in exercising your rights, you will find a template letter developed by the National Commission on Informatics and Liberty (CNIL) at the following link: UNITY SEMICONDUCTOR has a period of one (1) month to respond to you from the receipt of your request. This period may be extended by two (2) months due to the complexity of your request and the number of requests made. UNITY SEMICONDUCTOR will inform you within the month of your request. If you believe that your rights are not sufficiently respected, you have the right to file a complaint with the competent supervisory authority. In France, this is the CNIL (National Commission on Informatics and Liberty).
12. Modifications

UNITY SEMICONDUCTOR may update this Privacy Policy at any time to adapt to potential new practices and service offerings. In this case, the update date of the Privacy Policy will be refreshed and will indicate the day when the changes were made. If UNITY SEMICONDUCTOR makes changes that it considers significant, you will be notified through information on our website.

13. Use of cookies

You are informed that during your visits to our website, cookies (connection tokens) may be installed on your browsing software to enable, among other things, optimal navigation. Cookies are data stored in the user’s terminal equipment. They are used by our site to send information to the user’s browser and allow this browser to send information back to the original site (for example, a session identifier, language choice, or date). Other types of trackers, such as pixel tags, may also be used. On this topic, we invite you to read our Cookie Policy.